Small Police and Sheriff's Departments Specially Trained Dogs Program
Not all dogs work out as family dogs, and because of this, a good number of highly qualified dogs are being euthanized throughout the United States. This is because the small home, usually with young children have purchased or adopted the wrong type of dog with great expectations. This situation doesn't take long to go South...
Anyone who has lived with a high energy, high drive, decision making, problem solving dog that should be trained for some specialty knows what we are talking about.
GreenePets Foster Network, Inc. works with other rescue organizations to save these dogs when they are found in animal controls, or turned in to rescues. In conjunction with All Creatures Country Club we assess each dogs abilities to qualify for specialized training. We are committed to every Malinois we bring into GreenePets. Each dog has an ability, we find it, and go from there.
Please contact us for information on how your department may qualify for GreenePets Foster Network to donate a K-9 to your department for a nominal training fee.
The Training Center at All Creatures Country Club is the third building and third driveway on the complex.
Also available for rental, and is fire regulated for 30 individuals. Contact All Creatures Country Club for further details. 423-639-2920
Our new K-9 transport trailer for socializing and training dogs away from the facility.
This was purchased from Tom Brown of Vom Fieldcrest Shepherds in Kansas. We love the trailer Tom, and it has been a Godsend for working the dogs away from the homestead.
All stencils were done locally in Mosheim, and I will correct this posting as soon as I look up the small companies name. Sorry.